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Meru University holds sixth graduation as it focuses on new courses in Agriculture and Manufacturing

Meru University holds sixth graduation as it focuses on new courses in Agriculture and Manufacturing
March 8, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Meru University of Science and Technology is at an advanced stage of developing a curriculum at the certificate level for short courses in Manufacturing and Agriculture in tandem with the big four agenda.

Speaking during the University’s sixth graduation Ceremony, the VC Prof Romanus Odhiambo said the curriculum will play a big role in realizing the big four agenda by providing the market with skilled labour it currently lacks.

In his address to the congregation, the VC revealed that the institution was at an advanced stage of digitizing the exam process in a bid to ensure efficiency and enhance service delivery.

He added that the university administration had already allocated funds meant to further research and innovation and called on other like-minded stakeholders to come on board.

He lauded efforts made by the parents and the guardians of the graduands in ensuring they succeed by completing their studies and encouraged the graduands to work towards achieving their best even as they play their role nation building.

The University Chancellor and Equity Bank CEO Dr James Mwangi reaffirmed his commitment to supporting the institution in it’s research and innovation endeavors and assured the congregation that the institution will continue to make progress in academics.

He added that the institution was focused on the holistic development of students as well as committed to identifying the students’ full potential and nurturing them.

Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi pledged the County Government’s support to the institution adding that already his administration has sunk a borehole for the university to address issues of water shortage.

“My Government is currently undertaking a cabro paving project at the nearby Nchiru Market to make it dust-free while an extra flood mast will be installed to improve on security for students and the local community” Governor Murungi said.

The occasion which also marked the inauguration of Prof Romanus Odhiambo as the University’s Second Vice chancellor saw a total of one thousand two hundred and thirty nine (1239) graduands awarded various Certificates, Diplomas and conferred with Degrees.

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