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The Sildan Volleyball Tournament in Tharaka Nithi

The Sildan Volleyball Tournament in Tharaka Nithi
October 11, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

The Sildan Volleyball tournament in Tharaka Nithi County is played in either the month of August or October every year. Some of the teams that have participated in this tournament are Swara, Panga, Marimant, Tumaini, Makutano, Gacheuni, Manyanga, Ndumo, Kiajiro, Kamurige, Bidii, Kasharani, Kibunga, Karocho, Kereria, Gachugini, Ntabuta, Squotter, Kangaii  . The sponsors of this noble tournament are the CEO Sildan Sports academy Dan Hibichu, Onesmus Mugambi the KVF Chairman, and Obadiah Marigu the director of Obedient Solartech systems. The tournament brings clubs together for competition and socialization. The best team in the tournament gets an opportunity to compete in other regions for exposure. In the last event, Swara was the Champions and the team was sponsored to participate in a tournament in Isiolo. The tournament includes the participation of men only and the organizers may consider the female gender in future tournaments. Just like many other sports in the Country Volleyball in Tharaka Nithi County is coupled with several challenges such as poor playing facilities, inadequate training equipment, lack of role models, financial challenges, and lack of exposure. Many high schools participate in Volleyball in Tharaka Nithi such as Materi boys, Tharaka boys, Mukothima day, Gatunga boys, Kamathu, and Kari Ka Mburi. Dan Hibichu a former soccer goalkeeper is by all means a sporting icon in Tharaka Nithi County for his wonderful contribution to growing sports. He is famously known for steering the Sildan Sports Academy football team to great heights. He was among the founders of Mahakama Football Team in Meru that participated in the FKF Division 2 League in 2017.

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