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How Meru University VC bounced back after controversial ouster

How Meru University VC bounced back after controversial ouster
April 3, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Meru University VC Prof Romanus Odhiambo (In green) leads others in cake cutting to mark the institution’s 10th graduation ceremony |PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Mutethia

The Meru University of Science and Technology VC Romanus Odhiambo referred to by students as Comrade’s ‘sweetheart’ overcame his obstacles to reign back his position after four days of forced terminal leave.

Jubilant Meru University students with chants of praise to Prof Odhiambo walked by foot for more than 20kms to carry their ‘sweetheart’ shoulder high bin solidarity ending their four days of protests along the Meru-Maua highway.

Odhiambo, who was escorted to the University administration block by Higher Education PS Beatrice Inyangala resumed his duties immediately.

The VC, in his address to the students, said the power belongs to the people as he thanked God, Students’ leadership, President William Ruto and Education CS Ezekiel Machogu, Nchiru-based riders, mama mboga, and all stakeholders for believing in him.

“My dear students, you have spoken. We must be a world-class university. I know some of you have not eaten for six days, and some have not taken shower for six days. My prayer is we forgive one another” Odhiambo said as the mammoth of students roared in agreement.

Ironically, this time round the students went on a rampage demanding the reinstatement of the VC unlike in 2018 when they protested demanding the sacking of then VC Prof Japheth Magambo.
Odhiambo was sent on terminal leave on the grounds of poor performance by the then University Council.

In a statement, CS Machogu termed the move to suspend Odhiambo as ill-intended. Machogu also suspended the Meru University Council members from March 9.

Students led by their organization’s president Kariuki Wachira, backed by his predecessor Hunnington Oguk, had two days of hectic running battles with police demonstrating against the ouster of the VC.
Students claim the university council’s decision was politically motivated.


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