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CS Kindiki’s commitment to bring services closer to the people

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki, Senator Kathuri Murungi, Igoji DCC Zuhura Mambo, and other government officials during the operationalization ceremony | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Kibaki

Establishing and operationalizing the Igoji sub-county by Interior and National Administration CS Kithure Kindiki will bring several government services closer to Mwananchi and enhance service delivery.

The community donated the land which the sub-county sits on after the area Counsellor Kireria Mwobobia, former Governor Kiraitu Murungi, Senator Kathuri Murungi, and current MP Shadrack Mwiti lobbied for the Sh40million headquarters located at Igoji market.

Kiraitu, Kathuri, and Mwiti praised CS Kindiki for actualizing the dream adding that area residents had endured untold suffering as they traveled for long distances in search of government services.

Speaking when he presided over the launch, CS Kindiki ordered the immediate deployment of all heads of departments to reduce the distance covered in search of registration services.

Meru Senator Kathuri Murungi said he had used at least Sh40 million to construct the headquarters and many visionary elders were involved in making it a reality.

“The sub-county will give way to more employment of APs, Kenya Police, KDF, NYS, and teachers and these are great fruits and if we unite as Meru, Tharaka Nithi, and Embu we will never lack anything,” Kathuri said.

“If any other minister is committed in the Ruto government, it is Kindiki. I even do not know when your wife and children have time with you. Who taught you about security,” Kathuri said.

Mwiti poured gratitude to Kiraitu and Kathuri who collected signatures for the establishment and implementation of the Sub County.

Mwiti appealed to area residents to start constructing residential houses for workers and to develop the area for the growth of Igoji.

“Kindiki has told me he will soon get a security vehicle for three sub-counties. Kindiki is focused on security and development and his eyes are wide open,” Mwiti said.

Kiraitu said Meru people must unite and rally support behind Kindiki as he is the most educated person in Kenya and a down-to-earth leader.

Zuhura Mambo was installed as the new Igoji Sub County DCC.

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