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From strength to strength: Kwanthanze girls volleyball queens

Kwathanze Girls volleyball team | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Hillary Mukasa

Kwanthanze mixed boarding high school is located in Machakos County. Kwanthanze has been the Kenya Secondary School Sports Association (KSSSA) National Volleyball champions in the girls category in 2022,2019,2018,2017 and 2013. This year they lost 3-1 to Kesogon from Rift Valley in the finals at Kakamega hence relinquishing their title.

They however have a chance to redeem themselves in the Federation of East Africa Secondary School Sports Association (FEASSSA) championship in Huye City in Rwanda. The top 3 schools in each discipline in the KSSSA national championship will represent the country in the annual competition. Kwanthanze has been in the FEASSSA volleyball championship before and showcased their prowess by being the undisputed champions in 2022, 2019,2018,2017,2014, and 2013.

On top of being the secondary school volleyball champions in Kenya and East Africa, the best was yet to come. The indispensable volleyball diamonds became the overall winners of the African secondary school girls’ volleyball championship this year. The venue was Casablanca, Morocco and they were crowned after beating a team from Morocco. That is not the end of the road for the coveted volleyball queens.

After the marvelous achievement in Morocco, Kwanthanze will fly to France for the World championship this year. Justin Kigwari the passionate and successful coach of the school has tapped many talents from the school. Kwanthanze has been a conveyor belt in producing players for top clubs in the country such as Pipeline and KCB.

The school has also been a reliable feeder to the National team Malkia Strikers. When Kwanthanze won the East Africa secondary schools championship in Arusha, Tanzania in August 2019 the most valuable player could not come from any other school.

She had to come from Kwanthanze and it had to be Miriam Chelimo. Who else? Kwanthanze girls’ volleyball team was voted as the school team of the year in the girls category in the 2019 Safaricom SOYA awards while their coach Justin Kigwari was voted as the school coach of the year.

The gala was held at the Mombasa Club in January 2020. Not to forget in the success of the team is the Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti for his priceless support especially in financial matters. The Governor paid for the air tickets to Morocco which would have been a tall order for the school if it single-handedly catered for the expenses.

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