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Baragoi Hospital performs first C-Section surgery

Medics from Baragoi hospital conduct first C-Section surgery in the facility | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent

The Baragoi Hospital doctors and staff made the greatest milestone ever by conducting the first Cesarean section (C-section surgery) done at the facility after 69 years of its establishment.

Christine Lokai a patient who successfully delivered through the C section was all smiles as she held a baby tight in her arms thanking the hospital management, doctors who performed the surgery as well as other staff involved.

Lokai had prolonged labor without delivering her baby which made the doctors prefer the C-section to save the mother and her child. Lokai said such a gesture will definitely help in reducing long distances covered and costs incurred traveling to Mararal Hospital seeking surgery services.

“We are very excited and happy because one could not get surgery here. We labored for nine months and still endear the pain due to lack of specialists and an operating theatre,” Lokai said.

Anderson Wafula, the doctor in charge of Baragoi sub-county hospital who oversaw the operation said the surgery was a great milestone since the hospital was established in 1954.

“It was a success story because this is the first one in this facility. We extracted live female infants. And the baby was 2.5kg. The baby is currently doing very well. It is healthy. Wafula said at the hospital.

Every week the facility gets two to three mothers in the maternity that are in dire need of an operation theatre. The facility will also reduce the death of mothers seeking services from far away.

The County government of Samburu has announced measures and strategies for improving the provision of health services by increasing the number of facilities, staffing them with qualified personnel, and stocking them with sufficient drugs.

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