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CoG urges doctors to shelve planned strike

CoG chairperson Anne Waiguru and Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki preside over the launch of phase 2 of the Kenya Paediatric Fellowship Program (KPFP) | PHOTO-CoG

By Gerald Kibaki

The Council of Governors has called on doctors under the KMPDU to shelve their planned strike, noting that there is work in progress to check on their demands.

The Council of Governors has appealed to doctors not to go on strike and wait for the government to conclude the rolling out of the Universal Health Coverage (UHT) program.
Speaking in Nairobi during the launch of the Kenya Paediatric Fellowship Program phase 2, CoG chair Anne Waiguru and the chair of health Muthomi Njuki said the economy was battered now but the council is in talks with the National Government to spare resources as promised earlier to cater for doctors remuneration.
“I am talking to KMPDU, Yes we do appreciate that we are lagging behind in honoring our promises as agreed on. It is because of a lack of resources but for us to have a strike around this time when next month we are rolling out the biggest dream of UHT coverage in Kenya. We are going to definitely clog and fog UHT. Let us put the lives of our people first. As Cog we are committed to honoring and improving your welfare,” Njuki said.
The state of health in counties and the clamor to revert back the health department to the national government is not worth it, Njuki added.
According to Kirinyaga  Governor Ann Waiguru, the counties have not received enough funds from the National Government thus far to cater to all their grievances.
Governor Njuki asked the doctors to be understanding of the situation, noting, that it was insincere for KMPDU to call for a strike at a time the country is gearing towards the launch of Universal Health Coverage, slated for October 20th in Kericho during the Mashujaa Day celebrations.

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