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Emotional send-off for soldier Killed by Al-Shabaab

By Gerald Kibaki

A somber mood engulfed Tutua Village in Ruiri Rwarera Buuri constituency during the burial of a young man who was killed by Al-Shabaab while on duty.

Corporal Hillary Muriira met his demise on September 3, after their armored Land Rover vehicle ran over an improvised explosive Device (IED) that had been planted by the Al-Shabaab at General Arae of Ladhi approximately 8 km from Arabia.

Muriira was the driver of the GRU vehicle that was on patrol along the Ledhi Arabia -Mandera road and suffered serious injuries which led to excess bleeding causing his death on the spot.

Muriira, the father of one, Kylan Mwenda, and his windowed wife Mercy Naitore were Eulogized as social, loving, respectable, full of wisdom, a liberator of Tutua youths, and a pillar of the Tutua community.

Speakers after the other castigated the slow pace of driving away the enemy who kept on attacking innocent people on   Kenyan soil.

They said it was time the government declared a total war against Al-Shabaab to wind out and destroy all their hideouts.

Muriira, 36 joined the police forces in 2011, and after graduating with a KPC course he was deployed at Hadado police station in Wajir.

In 2020 CPL Muriira, the fifth born to Shadrack Kanyuru and Gladys Mwariumwe was transferred to Wang’uru police station in Kirinyaga county and was later deployed to Arabia sub-county in Mandera county where he served until his death.

“No one can stop your praises even though you are gone. The memory of you is a comfort to my aching soul. I still feel your love that is giving me strength to handle and cope with the situation,” his wife Naitore said.

 MCK Reverend Muroria Rwamba conducted the final mass at Muriira’s home and urged believers to pray and beseech God to protect Kenyan soldiers.

“My elder brother was a soldier and I can tell you these people go through hardships and dangers. Muriira died full of life. He was just to enjoy the fruits of his promotion,” Rwamba said.

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