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Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki inspects a milk coolant issued to Kiracha Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society | PHOTO-Governor’s Press Tharaka Nithi County
By Beatrice Mwende
The County Government of Tharaka Nithi led by Governor Muthomi Njuki has reinforced the aspect of value addition to benefit dairy farmers.
Speaking during an event of handing over a milk coolant for members of Kiracha Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society, he promised to donate 200 bulls and provide sex semen for Artificial Insemination (AI) and cross-breeding.
The governor promised to support the Society by either building the 20 million animal feed factory or buying the production machines once the farmers make their choice.
“I will not fund every project because the public will refer to it as a public project and thus end up misusing it. I will put my financial support for half of the projects so that the farmers will be able to take care of these resources as they have been doing for the past six years because they will know they are part of the projects. ’Governor Muthomi Njuki added.
Among the many milk producers in Tharaka Nithi including Kirege on the outskirts of Chuka town which is well known for dairy milk production, is Kiracha Dairy Cooperative Society which started its operations in July 2015 with only 600 liters of milk per day to 4000 liters of milk to date. The farmers in the cooperative produce a maximum of 120,000 liters per month.
The ambitious farmers are planning to build a Ksh 20 million factory in their strategic plans which will produce animal feeds locally for the farmers at friendly prices. The animal feeds will be packed and sold to other dairy farmers which will be able to boost the growth of the Kiracha Cooperative Society.
It will be the first milk cooperative in Tharaka Nithi to build a demonstration farm and store where farmers will be able to showcase their dairy cows and cross-breed at affordable prices.
‘’We are paid by Meru Central at the rate of Ksh 53 per litre and we pay our farmers Ksh 52. The projects you can see here are by the effort and financial management of the cooperative using the remaining Kshs 1 bob. This has been easy for us as a cooperative because every month we are guaranteed to have that amount without any payment delays from the milk buyer,’’ Mwangi Njeru, Kiracha Dairy Cooperative Society Chairman highlighted.
‘’Kiracha has been ranked as the first and the best milk producer in Tharaka Nitti. We have seen your tremendous improvement in milk production from producing 600litres to 3000litres. The county will work in hand with you through conducting workshops to ensure that you get adequate training to boost milk production, cross-breeding, and Artificial Insemination (AI).’ ’Njue Kaithungu CECM Agriculture added.
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