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How Azimio lost to Kithure Kindiki in the three day maandamano campaign

Ichenga Mugao

By Ichenga Mugao

1. Monotony of approach

They employed a uniform approach for the three days. They never changed tact. They were easily predictable. Kindiki easily deciphered them on day two

2. Ignored fatigue factor

Demos are draining, no Kenyan will participate in life-threatening demos for three days in a row

3. Cowardice

No storyline will justify Raila Odinga’s absence from the Frontline other than fear

4. Same regional coordinators

Raila has no reserves for regional coordinators. Arrest Gaucho and Ababu and maandamano ends

5. Silencing of Generals

Without Raila, Kalonzo, Karua, Munya, Babu Owino in the scene, the Maandamano camp scattered

6. Diplomatic voice

Agwambo believes the diplomatic voice was a big success factor. It made him enter his comfort zone

7. United enemy

Demos have united all and Sundry in Kenya Kwanza. Infighting stopped. All guns trained on Azimio demos

8. No quick response to the distress calls

With those arrested staying over 24 hours without a battery of lawyers from Azimio looking for them sent chills in the backs of Azimio wannabes. They felt vulnerable hence permanently retreated

9. School closure trap

The closure trap gave Azimio a false sense of victory. Thus, they lowered their guards

10. Journey to nowhere

Every Azimio sympathizer is wondering: What next after the demos?


Advisory: Dear Raila, you need to totally overhaul your strategy to have an impact. But will you?

Ichenga Mugao is a political analyst and former advisor to the first Governor of Tharaka Nithi.

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