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Meru among counties listed for Cholera vaccination

By Gerald Kibaki

The Ministry of Health has urged Kenyans to volunteer for free cholera vaccination beginning this week to protect them during the anticipated El Niño rains.

Health PS Mary Muthoni said the vaccination exercise was already underway and will continue for ten days.

194 people have died from the disease since the first case was reported in Kiambu in October last year.


Muthoni said the Ministry of Health has secured 1,533,199 doses of the Oral Cholera Vaccine for the exercise.

The vaccine offers protection for six months only.

“Because of the El Niño that has been announced that may happen in September you realize that it is going to be very wet and there is going to be probably water that is flowing and it would be important that we get prepared,” the PS said in a speech

11,897 cases have so far been reported in 26 counties across the country since the outbreak started.
“Timely detection of cholera cases and prompt initiation of treatment is key in reducing morbidity, mortality and containing transmission,” she said.
According to data from the ministry Garissa has recorded the highest number of cases with 2,853, Mandera 2,264, Nairobi 2,177, Wajir 945, Tana River 780, Kiambu 539, Machakos 491, Kajiado 398, Homa Bay 335, Mombasa 210, Siaya 162, Meru 138, Uasin Gishu 137 and Marsabit 112.

Other counties include Samburu with 60 cases, Kisumu with 56, Nyeri with 55, Murang’a with 46, Isiolo with 31, Kitui with 27, Kirinyaga with 17, West Pokot and Kwale with 16 cases each, Nakuru with 15, Busia with 11 and Bomet with six cases.

The first campaign was conducted between February 11 and 20 targeting two million people in four counties of Garissa, Wajir, Tana River, and Nairobi which had been mapped as high risk.

Sustained efforts by various stakeholders in the health sector have seen the outbreak contained in 23 out of the 26 counties.

There is an active disease outbreak in Mandera, Wajir, and Nairobi.

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