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Samidoh, Gatutura to thrill Meru fans

Benga Music maestro Samidoh | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Kibaki

Celebrated Mugithi maestros Samuel Muchoki Ndirangu commonly known by his stage name as Samidoh and Joseph Kigio commonly known on stage as Jose Gatutura or Machete the King are expected to thrill revelers on Saturday 15 July 2023 at Checkmate Lounge in Makutano, Meru county.

Both Samidoh and Gatutura shot into the limelight in 2016 after their first Kikuyu Benga hits took over the vernacular airwaves.

 Samidoh attracted mixed reactions on his Facebook account when he wrote “A Meru man calling his girlfriend ” beib” or “sweetheart” is a conman ~ Meru Proverb. Saturday tukutane Checkmate Lounge ft Gatutura.”

At Check-Mate, Manager Wahome Gatheri told The Eastern Newspaper that preparations are in top gear to receive the two guests but also to make a kill from Lovers of the Kikuyu Music.

 “All is Set for Mugithi special party, live with Gatututa and Samidoh tomorrow. They are in charge of tickets that are going at Sh1000 for VIPs and Sh500 for regular attendees,” Gatheri said at the Lounge.
Samidoh 30, released his first Single Ndiri Mutwe Mwega which has attracted more than 1 million views on his Youtube channel.

Some of the other songs he will be performing include; Kairitu Gakwa, Wendo Ni Urimu, Riari Itheru, Ihoya Ria Samidoh, and Tuhii Twitu among others on his track.

The Machete King shot to fame with his song ‘Twirio Twega’ making him a household name not only in Kikuyu and other communities that value beats in his songs.

Machete The King’s other songs he intends to sing are; Machete, Ndigithia Ngoma, Gathima Gakwa, Ithabu Ria Wendo, Tukuminyua Ithire, Tuirio Twega, Njui ya Nja, Mwari Wa Muthamaki, Thii Ukiumaga, Utuku Umwe among others.

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