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Three people killed as bandits raid Kabachi village, Igembe North

By Gerald Kibaki
A somber mood has engulfed one family from Kabachi village in Mutuati sub-county, Igembe North after three family members were shot dead in Luthaya while packing their harvests.
According to an eye witness who escaped narrowly, about ten attackers armed with guns invaded their homesteads and started shooting indiscriminately.

“The ambush was carried out by about 10 people on Monday night. We were surprised to see armed men surround the homestead and start shooting at everyone on sight killing three of our kin while the rest of us ran for our dear lives,” one of the victims who escaped said.

The area residents are now calling upon security operations in the areas to give farmers time to harvest their farm products.

On Wednesday morning, one more person was shot dead in the Lororo area of Antubetwe E Kiongo in the same constituency along the Meru-Isiolo border while his friend sustained injuries and is receiving treatment at Nyambene level 4 hospital in Maua.

The deceased and the injured were heading to Kubusera along the same border when they were attacked.

The deceased died on the spot while the survivor managed to escape with gunshot wounds and hid at the Kaongo Ka Mpio area of Amwathi where the police managed to rescue him later in the afternoon.

Confirming the incident, Dr. Githu Wachira of Nyambene Level Four Hospital said the injured was recuperating at the facility with gunshot wounds.

Athiru Ruujine MCA Julius Kabira who visited the area condemned the attacks and called for stern action to be taken to curb banditry incidents in the Northern grazing regions.

He added that the area residents have become tired of promises by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki and area MP Julius Taitumu on security improvement as bandits continue to unleash terror on locals.

In May, Kindiki held a public Baraza at Ndoleli chief’s camp where announced a raft of measures aimed at flashing out bandits along the border. Two police commanders were transferred from the area to facilitate investigations and ensure efficient security operations.

The CS also ordered the immediate deployment of an Anti-stock theft police unit (ASTU) at Loloro.

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