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Woman Rep Susan Mwindu to vie for Tharaka Nithi Gubernatorial seat

Tharaka Nithi County Woman Representative Susan Mwindu Ngugi during a past function in her county | HPOTO-Courtesy

By Beatrice Mwende

Tharaka Nithi Woman Representative Susan Ngugi Mwindu has declared her interest in vying for county Governor.

While issuing water tanks at Gakauni Primary School where she also sponsored 20 vulnerable pupils, Mwindu said her transformation agenda to people of Tharaka Nithi can be achieved more if she is in control of more funds.

She said the Sh6 million in each of the three constituencies (Maara, Tharaka, and Chuka Igambang’ombe) is not enough to cater to the needs of the people her office receives each coming day.

“You have the potential to get funds from NG-CDF by writing a proposal so that you tap water using pipes to the farms for a Kitchen Garden. There is no need to buy onions, greens, or cabbages. One tank costs me Sh80,000, so maintenance is crucial.

“I urge schools I have donated the tanks to take good care of them. No tank should burst due to sunlight effects before five years. Roof them and after the next five years, probably, I will be your Governor or something else big where we will construct the concrete ones,” Mwindu said.

Mwindu wondered why most of the constituencies lag behind despite receiving huge sums of money to the tune of Sh140 million annually whereas their main projects major on Education and security.
Mwindu says she will follow in the footsteps of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

Mwindu successfully won the Woman MP seat from being Marimanti MCAs against a wave of popular parties like UDA.

Gubernatorial contests in Tharaka Nithi County will be wide open because the Current Governor Muthomi Njuki will have finished his constitutional terms of service.

Mwindu, who has embarked on paying school fees for orphans and young mothers who dropped out of school said education is the only inheritance that can transform an individual and make them great leaders in the World.

“I have also paid school fees for twelve other Day school students Day at Kamwathu Day Secondary School after they cried to me they would drop out over lack of fees. Today, five students who have joined Secondary schools are among the beneficiaries of my full sponsorship program,” she said.

Mwindu was elected on Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri’s TSP party and has pledged to do everything possible under her reach to champion developments in the County.

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