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A 26-year-old man commits suicide at Mpuri village in Maara Constituency Tharaka Nithi

By Gerald Kibaki

A somber mood has engulfed Mpuri village in Maara Constituency Tharaka Nithi county after a youth committed suicide under unclear circumstances.

Amani Njagi, aged 26 who is a father of one took his own life on Thursday for reasons yet to be established

A relative to the deceased who sought not to be mentioned said it was a sad day for the family as the deceased leaves behind a very young family.

“Young people are struggling with depression and mental illnesses. I urge youths to seek alternative resolutions to the challenges facing them. It is time Christians beseech God to take care of people overburdened by the economy. Everything nowadays has become expensive,” she said.

Area assistant chief Victor Gitonga confirmed the incident and pleaded with youths to use alternative problem-resolution methods instead of killing themselves.

“Today, a village elder reported that Amani Njagi committed suicide. The main reason is yet to be known. I plead with youths not to take their own lives. Why can’t they talk to parents, relatives or colleagues? We have interrogated the family members but we are yet to know the motive behind taking his own life,” he said.

Njagi was undertaking welding and electricity connections at Muraga Technical College.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year old -75% of related deaths in 2015 occurred in low and middle Countries.

WHO notes that suicide is a global epidemic and there is therefore a need for effective and evidence-based intervention at the population level, family, and individual levels.

Depression, stress, and excessive alcohol are said to be among key suicide contributors.

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