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KCA University VC cycles to Meru to raise funds for vulnerable students

By Gerald Kibaki

The harsh economic conditions in the Country are making the lives of many students unbearable and an eminent solution is those who have to share little of it, says KCA University VC Isaiah Kindiki
Kindiki has called upon well-wishers, stakeholders, corporate, and individuals to come together and join their staff and alumni in sponsoring students through scholarships.

“This time is important to us and for this particular moment, we train from undergraduate, Degree to Ph.D., we set out at 4 am to raise funds for some of our students at all levels experiencing difficulties in clearing their fees and realizing their lifetime goals of higher education,” Kindiki said after arrival in Meru oven 11 International cyclists and students.

Kindiki said both government and privately sponsored students face the same fate.
“We do know even that government sponsorship is never enough to many,” he said.

Imenti North deputy county commissioner Lilian Ndeti said theirs was a noble task thinking about the less fortunate in our universities. Lilian, who welcomed the guests echoed Kindiki’s sentiments saying many students fail to graduate because of a lack of fees.

“I thank cyclists for raising awareness on the plight of vulnerable students who live among us and do not have enough funds to finish their studies. We want to ask other universities to have such welfare so that as the government pushes to have 100% Pry to Secondary schools transition, we can also have 100% transition even among young people joining Universities,” she said.

James Rimui an Advocate of the high court of Kenya and a cyclist said they have been able to do their best in raising awareness and as cyclists thank the University for their Invitation to participate.

Carol Gatwiri, a businesswoman in Nairobi said it is her passion for education to ensure that there are no children who should miss their right to education despite their social status and life.

“Though I could not cycle the whole journey from Nairobi, this is my passion to see students yearning for education do not drop or defer their studies,” Gatwiri said.

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