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Martin “Puyol” Kirimi: The price of nurturing talents at an early age

Martin Puyol Kirimi defending against a Coast Stima player in the National Super League match for Murang’a Seals in Murang’a.  PHOTO-Hillary Mukasa

By Hillary Mukasa

He is the number one son of BIDII Sports Academy. He joined the academy when he was in class 4 at Mwithumwiru Primary School and became the Captain fantastic of the team when he was a child. He was the Captain of BIDII from class 4 to form 4.

Bidii Sports Academy Meru was founded in 2013 and aims to fill the gap in the development of youth football in Meru and beyond.

The intelligent, ambitious, and competitive defender played for Mutindwa in the FKF Division 2 League while still a form 3 student at Bishop Lawi Imathiu Secondary School in Meru in 2017.

He also played for Meru Bombers in the same league in 2018, and he made the position of right fullback his own. Only an injury or the examinations would keep him on the bench.

It seems he started being a captain in his mother’s womb. He captained Bishop Lawi Imathiu Secondary School from 2016 to 2018, and as the Captain and key player, he steered them to creating history by being the Champions of Meru County in the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA) football competition.

This gave Bishop Lawi Imathiu Secondary School a ticket to participate in the Regional finals under the Games teacher and Head Coach, Mr. Mwenda.

Kirimi was the Captain of the Compassion Runogone team that clinched the National Inter Compassion Championship in Meru in 2019.

The Champions had the three lions from Bidii Sports Academy, namely Martin “Puyol” Kirimi, Eric “Yankee” Bundi, and Lewis Kimathi, the reflex goalkeeper.

When Meru County reached the semifinals of the Kenya Youth Inter County Sports Association (KYISA) football Championships in Busia County in 2019, guess who the Captain was. It had to be one Martin Kirimi. He trained with Kenya Premier League side Ulinzi Stars for one year in 2019 before he joined Muran’ga SEALS in the FKF National Super League for two seasons.

He has donned the KeMU jersey on several occasions and played alongside other football greats on that team.

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