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Safaricom, Kiirua, and Consolata hospitals, top list of brands loved by Women in Kenya

A section of St Theresa Mission Hospital-Kiirua  PHOTO-St. Theresa Mission Hospital-Kiirua

By Gerald Kibaki

Kiirua Mission Hospital in Buuri sub-county and Consolata Hospital based in Nkubu Meru County are the only hospitals that featured in a study on the most loved brands by Women in Kenya.

This is not the only time Kiirua Hospital is lined up with other big brands including Safaricom, Mpesa, Equity Bank, Airtel, and Naivas supermarket brands favorite to Kenyan women.

Some of the services offered at Kiirua Hospital include Outpatient, Inpatient, Laboratory, Oncology, Dialysis, Radiology, Dental services, Operating theatre, critical care services, Pharmacy, and physiotherapy among others.

In 2021, The Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards (QHKA) awarded the hospital for excellent response to Covid-19.

In 2022, the hospital also won the Best Faith-based Hospital of Choice in the Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards.

“Quality healthcare is an issue of social justice and human rights. Failing to deliver healthcare services that improve the desired health outcomes for individuals and populations at large, inhibits progress towards a more equitable and just society,” Director of the Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards-Ms. Grace Ndegwa

“At St Kiirua Mission Hospital we strive to offer accessible, affordable, and quality healthcare to all in line with our mission which states; To offer Accessible, Affordable, Quality healthcare to all, through motivated caregivers in accordance with the social teaching of the Catholic Church and the set professional standards” read a statement by the hospital.

Research carried out between February and March 2023 released by BSD Group and Ipsos, elaborated on the consumer behavior of women countrywide.

Ipsos Kenya Managing Director Chris Githaiga said the study sought to bridge the knowledge and insights gap in understanding the female consumer market.

Githaiga said recent studies show that close to 50 percent of households in Kenya have a woman (a mother) as the head of her family insisting that for the growth of the economy and value creation, women must be empowered.

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