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The Coaching journey of George Ouma: Meet the passionate coach from Laikipia

Coach George Ouma during a training session. He is currently the Head of football at MPESA Foundation in Thika | PHOTO-Hillary Mukasa

Hillary Mukasa

The first edition of the Kenya Youth Inter County Sports Association (KYISA) championship was held in Laikipia County in Nanyuki. The championship included soccer and volleyball for both men and women.

A total of 25 Counties participated in the maiden championship. George Ouma was given the task of leading the Laikipia County women’s soccer team. He received the task with both hands and did not disappoint. Laikipia played in the grand finale against Meru County and lost 5-4 in a tense penalty shootout.

In 2016 the KYISA games were hosted in Kwale County. The George Ouma girls reached the semifinal stage and finished 3rd overall after the playoffs.

George Ouma started working in Nanyuki in 2014 but settled permanently in 2016. In 2016 after he resigned from Nakumatt he found it wise to start a football academy.

He spoke to the head teacher of Braeburn International School in Nanyuki about starting a sports center of excellence. The initiative was good and it produced good players. He started with the under-13 category and most of them are in high school.

George Ouma is a highly qualified and licensed coach. He acquired a coaching license on the advanced KNVB level in 2008 under the watchful eye of Francis Kimanzi and Salim Ali

In 2016 the ambitious coach was among the 40 coaches selected and trained to instruct coaches Country-wide at the grassroots level.

In 2019 he did his CAF C and later advanced to a CAF B in 2021. He hopes to pursue his CAF A coaching License this year.

The starting of the Nakumatt Football Club in 2007 was George Ouma’s initiative. The team played up to the Kenya Premier League before the company closed shop.

In 2017 coach George Ouma was employed by the MPESA Foundation Academy in Thika. The state-of-the-art school has the objective of transforming lives holistically.

The school offers full sponsorship for bright and needy students. The foundation supports academics, sports, and other co-curricular activities. Coach George Ouma testifies to be privileged to be the head of football in the institution.

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