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BIDII Sports Academy Nurturing Football Talents in Meru County

BIDII Sports Academy Nurturing Football Talents in Meru County
June 18, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By Hillary Mukasa-FKF Instructor

BIDII Sports Academy registered as a CBO under Ministry of East Africa Community Labor, and Social protection is based in Meru County and football training is at Kaaga primary school.

The Mission is to be a youth football academy of excellence in identifying and nurturing the young players as change agents via football with the overall aim of contributing to the society through disciplined freedoms, moral values, and spiritual consciousness.

In August 2018 the academy organized a football tournament for the under 15 and under 19 categories that was hosted at Meru school and Kaaga primary. A total of 23 teams from Meru, Isiolo, Laikipia, and Tharaka Nithi County participated in the youth a tournament that was remarkably organized and impacted pricelessly on the youths.

The philosophy of the academy is to use football for change among the youths. Balancing between academics and sports is key.

Players from the academy have benefitted from partial and full scholarships to study in high schools that embrace sports. Eric bundi, Evans Mwiti and Dennis Mwiti joined Upperhill while Brian Gikundi is at Brother Beusang High School. Brian Munene is at Olympic High School.

Martin “Puyol” Kirimi, Dennis Mwiti, goalkeepers Lewis Mwenda and Kevin Githui of BIDII academy played for Mutindwa FC in the FKF Division 2 league in 2017 and 2018 respectively while studying at Bishop Lawi Imathiu secondary school.

This year Martin “Puyol” Kirimi is currently with KPL team Ulinzi Stars after completing his high school education last year. The former BIDII Academy captain who is the most inspirational in the academy joined them while in class four while at Mwithumwiru primary school.

Comments (4)

  1. Willis 3 years ago

    Hi, Iam interested in joining the team . Iam calle Willis I play mid fild or right wigher.Can you give me a chance

  2. kendi 3 years ago

    I am 15 years and I am talented in football. how can I join? I am a girl

  3. Levies murimi 3 years ago

    How much do it cost to join bidii football academy or what happens I’m 15 years reaching 16 this I play CDM number 4 Defensive I hope I get chances to join bidii please reply to my text

  4. Antony 2 years ago

    I am a hard working boy who is ready to do what ever it takes to be a footballer

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