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Chuka leaders petition Matiang’i to scrap Igambang’ombe Sub-county

Chuka leaders petition Matiang’i to scrap Igambang’ombe Sub-county
April 24, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

A section of Chuka leaders has protested the creation of Igambang’ombe Sub County in Tharaka Nithi County.

The Igambang’ombe Sub County gazettement is pending but leaders from Chuka have said selfish politicians were behind the creation of the administrative and electoral area.

They said there was no public participation in the proposed splitting Chuka-Igambang’ombe Sub County into two sub-counties.

At a meeting attended by Njuri Ncheke elders, youth and women leaders at Ndagani in Chuka, the leaders petitioned Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiangí to stop the creation of Igambang’ombe Sub County.

Under the aegis of Chuka Igambangómbe Development Association, the group said the creation of Igambang’ombe was done without adequate public participation and had the risk of dividing the Chuka community.

Association Chairman Isaac Mugo said the creation of the sub-county has the potential to cause animosity between the Tharaka and Chuka sub-tribes who are in the area.

‘We are not against the creation of the sub-county. The problem is the orientation and of the sub-county and its name. We are surprised and concerned that our Chuka Igambangómbe Constituency was secretly and illegally subdivided into two ((Chuka-Igambangómbe and Igambangómbe) without due diligence,” read the letter to Matiang’i and copied to the electoral and boundaries commission and area MP (Patrick Munene).

Mugo said the creation of Igambang’ombe Sub County contravened the Constitution, the County Government Act, 2012 the Urban Areas and Cities Act 2011 which require public participation. Njuri Ncheke elders Eustace Mutu and Gerrishon Kabiti said Chuka residents were for the new sub-county to be called Chuka South.

They opined the name of Chuka-North with headquarters at Chuka Town and Chuka South with headquarters at Itugururu Town.

The leaders said they represent the community and a section of political, business and other stakeholders in the county.

They have already filed an injunction at the Meru High Court to register their displeasure with the creation of the new unit. But in a move likely to generate more political heat Governor Muthomi Njuki has supported the creation of Igambango’mbe Sub County.

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