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Kuti adopts new ways of dealing with county government staff

Kuti adopts new ways of dealing with county government staff
June 20, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By Mashariki Correspondent 

Eventually, the county government of Isiolo has launched a Human Resource Policy and Procedures Manual, Code of conduct and ethics manual for public officers.

Also launched was a Comprehensive Medical Insurance cover for all County government employees.

During the launch, Isiolo Governor Dr. Mohamed Kuti said that his administration is determined to streamline service delivery through ensuring that there is a motivated workforce.

The County boss noted that this can only be achieved through improving working conditions, provision of quality healthcare services, and observing guidelines and due procedures when hiring, training and promoting county staff.

He lauded the department of public service and administration and the County Public Service Board for formulating the manuals which will play a major role in guiding the public servants to ensure that his administration delivers in line with his manifesto and the county integrated development plan.

The County Secretary Dr. Ahmed Galgalo urged all county public servants to abide by the regulations stipulated in the documents, adding that this will go a long way towards imparting discipline among all County workers.

Speaking separately a member of the Isiolo County Public Service Board Lucy Mworia said her board is committed to ensuring that the residents of Isiolo County get the best from the county government employees.

Addressing students and staff of St Mary’s secretarial college in Isiolo during the celebration of their Patron, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mworia urged the residents to always demand the best service from the county staff.

‘ Our work at the Isiolo county public service board is to hire, fire and promote county staff guided by the law and in the interests of best service delivery to our citizen,’ Mrs. Mworia said.

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