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Women participation in Sports in Embu

Women participation in Sports in Embu
April 23, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Hilary Mukasa,

Whatever the measure, the source, the message is clear, women are not “Halfway to equal with men in terms of sport participation.

Women in Embu participate in sports such as swimming, badminton, basketball, indoor games and football. Participation in sport to them is like a calling. Vibrant women sports at the University of Embu include football and Volleyball.

Kigari TTC dominates in the world of athletics. Kangaru girls have a good and active football team. In football, there are women teams such as Embu Starlets, Limbua Melody, BMW, Dunmen Queens, and Embu County team. Most of the players in Embu Starlets are students at the University of Embu.

Some of the players in Embu Starlets are Captain Lucy Njeri, Eunice Suji, Hellen Onyango, Esther Onyango, Selvin Sayo, Nduta and Wanja to mention. The captain Lucy Njeri has juggled football and books incredibly well. Her football performance has been as immaculate as her academic performance. After graduating with a first-class honor in Bachelor of Commerce Procurement option at the University of Embu, she was awarded a scholarship at the same University and she is pursuing an MBA procurement option. She is a trained D CAF level one coach and a professional referee. Together with Marion, Ann Wakio, Hellen Njeri, and Feriloy Ruguru, they officiate FKF Division 2 matches and other lower tiers. The queen of referees in Embu is Elizabeth Muturi who officiates KPL matches.

Indeed, this is not a mean achievement. With health expenditure increasing and spending on preventive programs falling, the role of sport is one of the key factors in the prevention of health problems (for example, heart disease, stress, loss of bone mass, and obesity are increasing in importance.

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