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Why sport is a blessing to Marsabit County

Why sport is a blessing to Marsabit County
October 11, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

Marsabit like any other County in Kenya has several sports played at school level and by the local clubs. The largest County in Kenya has football, rugby, hockey, basketball, handball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton and lawn tennis make a list of the games that youths participate in. Dakabaricha Secondary school is the defending Champion in rugby in Marsabit County. Other schools that play rugby in the region are Moi girls, Sasura girls, Marsabit mixed, and Marsabit boys. Indoor games are played by St Paul, Marsabit boys, Sakuu high, Marsabit mixed, Gadamoji, Sasura girls, and Moi girls. Football and volleyball are played by all the 14 schools in Marsabit County. The culture opposes girls participation in sports activities, but recently this has improved because of the girl child education and NGO namely HORN of AFRICA DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (HODI) that has greatly played a role in encouraging the community to allow the girls to participate in the games “known” for boys. In the finals of the regionals of the Chapa Dimba Na Safaricom in Machakos, the super talented Hilda Wanjiku from Marsabit County was the top scorer in the girl’s category and was selected to visit Barcelona in Spain in July this year for 2 weeks training. Other football diamonds in women football from Marsabit are Kula Dida, selected to play for Gaspo and Mathare United teams which participate in the Kenya Women Premier league (KWPL). Playing alongside her in Mathare United is another gifted county mate by the name Asha Saib. Nasibo Wario on her part has been the most valuable player in Gaspo. Sports in Marsabit have played priceless roles in society. Participation in sports reduces the crime rate and joining terror groups. Sports reduce idleness and drug abuse. It’s always said that idleness is the devil’s workshop. Inter-County sports activities give youths a platform to interact with other youths from different Counties. Sports bring peace and harmony among the different communities within Marsabit County and the bordering neighbors like Ethiopia. Sportsmen and women join hands to support social services like blood donation, tree planting and contributing to Harambee’s and communal activities. The County Government of Marsabit has been supporting sports by organizing tournaments and buying sports equipment for teams. Marsabit has hosted Loiyangalani food, cultural art, and sports competition annually. Some of the challenges faced are like insufficient funding, little allocation of funds for sports by the County government, lack of sufficient training facilities, and more role models expected to motivate the youths especially sports stakeholders.

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