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Tharaka Nithi county and Kiirua mission hospital awarded for quality healthcare services

Tharaka Nithi county and Kiirua mission hospital awarded for quality healthcare services
May 3, 2022 Eastern Newspaper
In Uncategorized

The county government of Tharaka Nithi has once again been feted for being the county with the best-managed healthcare in the country.

In an event held at a Nairobi hotel recently, the department of health in the Muthomi Njuki’s government scooped the top award in the category of the best-managed county healthcare beating Nakuru County at the finals.

The annual award contest is organized by the Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards aiming at awarding excellence in the healthcare sector where various players are categorized and recognized to encourage a continuous improvement of the sector.

This is the third time the county has been feted. In the year 2019, the county government received the same award and also became the 1st Runners Up in Best Primary Healthcare while in 2021 the Tharaka Nithi’s health department took the 2nd Runners Up for the county’s Best-Managed Healthcare.

The county government of Tharaka Nithi has been allocating the biggest share of the budget to the department of health as a step to have a continuous improvement of the provision of healthcare in all corners of the county.

The construction of the new ultramodern outpatient complex at the Chuka county referral hospital has provided a facility that accommodates more healthcare services and service providers.

The Ksh 300 million project, has accommodated a renal unit where patients receive dialysis services, a modern medical laboratory, orthopedic and general theatres, 8 bed Intensive Care Unit, emergency and casualty area, and consultation rooms among other facilities.

Speaking during the official opening of the facility, Deputy President William Ruto commended the county government for making such a milestone that has saved thousands of patients the agony of traveling to Nairobi or other counties in search of medical services.

“Governor Muthomi Njuki has done well in providing the best possible healthcare services by initiating and completing this wonderful facility. It is a clear indication that good governance can easily transform the lives of the people, this is our vision, to save millions of Kenyans who are currently suffering” Ruto said.

The County Executive Member in charge of the health department Dr. Gichuyia Nthuraku told The Eastern Newspaper that the government has several other health facilities in other parts of the county including Magutuni hospital in Maara and Marimanti hospital in Tharaka that have benefited from the ongoing initiative of adding more facilities.

Dr. Nthuraku added that other facilities at all levels have also been established and improved to reduce congestion at level 4 hospitals within the county.

In the neighboring Meru County, St Theresa mission hospital at Kiirua which was recently elevated to a level 5 hospital is an example of a fast-growing mission hospital that has a huge impact not only within the county but also in other parts of the country.

During the Quality Healthcare Awards 2022 event, the hospital scored the top award in the category of Faith-Based Hospitals of Choice as voted for by the members of the public in Kenya.

St Theresa mission hospital – Kiirua was picked by the majority of people beating other finalists who included Kijabe AIC Hospital and Tabaka mission hospital.

The hospital has shown tremendous growth from a simple dispensary to the current status and it has been serving people from the eastern region that includes the counties of Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Isiolo Samburu Marsabit, and other areas.

Speaking after receiving the ward, the hospital chief executive officer Sr Mary Agnes thanked all the stakeholders who have enabled the institution to reach the level.

“Ours is teamwork, we do our best to offer the highest attainable healthcare services to our patients in a good environment, we believe that we treat and God cures.  I thank all the stakeholders who play different roles and hold our hand in serving humanity” Sr Agnes said.

The recent improvement in infrastructure to accommodate more services and the increase in staff has resulted in the increased number of patients who seek medical care at the facility.

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