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Joy for Makutano traders as modern market is opened

Joy for Makutano traders as modern market is opened
July 20, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi opens the Makutano fresh produce market | PHOTO-William Kimathi

By William Kimathi

Traders in Makutano shopping center, Meru County are a happy lot after Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi officially opened the modern fresh produce market.

The Meru county government in partnership with the World Bank constructed the market that is expected to open up trade in the shopping center and ensure that the traders have a conducive environment for business.

Speaking during the opening ceremony, Governor Kiraitu said the two-storey building is one of the promises he made to residents before his first term concluded. The market has a capacity to hold more than 2000 traders and traders can do their businesses 24 hrs as the market is secure and has got lights.

“I promised to ensure the market is completed before I finished my first term and I have delivered,” Governor Kiraitu said.

The contraction of this modern market is part of the Ksh 116 million projects the World Bank is funding in Meru town.

Some of the traders who spoke to The Eastern Newspaper lauded the move by the County government saying it will open up trade in Meru town owing to its strategic location along the busy Meru –Nanyuki highway that serves travelers from Isiolo, Samburu, Marsabit, and Laikipia who can now access fresh farm produce comfortably.

Meru Deputy Governor Titus Ntuchui said the modern market is will accommodate more traders than the old market adding that the residents and leaders should appreciate the development projects done in the Meru municipality area by the County administration.

The Construction of the Makutano fresh produce market has taken 2 years to complete and has running water for use by both traders and customers with lockable gates and security lights.

The Makutano fresh produce market | PHOTO- Courtesy

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