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Meru Senator Mithika Linturi linked to Sh.100M Ruaraka land bribe

Meru Senator Mithika Linturi linked to Sh.100M Ruaraka land bribe
August 29, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

Meru senator Mithika Linturi has allegedly been accused of soliciting for a 100M bribe from business man Francis Mburu in exchange for a favorable report on the Ruaraka land probe.

In the letter, Mburu claims that Mithika Linturi and his counterparts Moses Kajwang (Homa Bay) and Kimani Wamatngi (Kiambu) met him at the Laico Regency’s Summit Club where the cash demand was made.

Mburu, who is a director of Afrison Export and Import Ltd, was allegedly paid Sh1.5 billion as part of the deal for the compulsory acquisition of 13.5 acres also claimed by Ruaraka High and Drive Inn Primary school.

The businessman has however exonerated nominated Senator Millicent Omanga from the bribery allegations.

“My attention has been drawn to media reports that Senator Millicent Omanga was one of the senators who demanded for KSh 100 million from me in order to write a favorable report concerning my Ruaraka land. This lady is unknown to me or any of our directors. No one has ever met her in the past outside the inquiry committee,” he said.

Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka has directed Kajwang’ to substantiate or invalidate the allegations.

Kajwang’ and his Kiambu counterpart Wamatangi have refuted the allegations while Meru Senator Mithika Linturi is yet to respond.

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