Pupils of Amwamba Primary during a previous thanksgiving ceremony | PHOTO-Courtesy
By Eastern Correspondent
Lindel Mwende, with 427 marks from Amwamba public primary school, and Kinoti Muriuki of Freds Academy with 426 marks emerged as the top best pupils in Meru County.
Parents, teachers, and staff members of both schools gathered at the institutions to celebrate the good results from pupils who acknowledged the hard work, God, and efforts of their teachers to be behind their success.
Fred’s Academy Director Fredrick Muutwiri lauded his charges for the exemplary performance adding that the school had improved its mean score from the previous exams.
Sasha Wanjiru Mwangi came second at Fred’s Academy with 422 marks while out of 46 pupils tested at the institution only six attained less than 400 marks. The school’s mean score rose to 407 from 380.
“I thank the teachers, the class, and the parents for ensuring we get better results than the other year. Our teachers had a humble time and no one was forced to do anything. We listen to teachers and pupils and each office here is open to everybody and were take everybody equally,” Mutwiri said.
Lawyer Kirimi Mbogo whose daughter Nkatha Kirimi, 403 schooled at Fred’s Academy said her daughter was disciplined and that he had high expectations going by her performance before the exams.
“I got this news at my Shamba and was excited and happy to come to the institution. I supported Azimio, I lost, I supported France, but my daughter has wiped my tears with these results,” Mbogo said.
Nkatha who aspires to join Kenya High said she would like to be a doctor or Lawyer like her father.
In Isiolo County, Academies performed better than public primary schools as Brainstar Academy produced among the best pupils in this year’s KCPE. Leila Dida 14, who scored 416 and Abduba Dida 414 were all in high spirits as they celebrated their exemplary performance.
“I achieved because of God, sacrifice, hard work, and obedience to teachers,” Diba said.
20 out of the total 30 pupils scored 400 marks and above and they achieved a mean score of 402.
Peter Ochieng, the school’s headteacher praised the pupils and teachers for the achievement.
Some public schools that did well in Isiolo include Hekima Primary school, Ikhlas Primary school, and Dawnur Integrated School among others.