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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Jul112022

    Laare Police nab fifty cartons of counterfeit liquor, suspect evades arrest

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    By Jeff Mwangi Police officers from Laare police station in Igembe North sub-county together with the “Nyumba Kumi” elders have…

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  • Jul112022

    Lolopiro raises basketball flag for the marginalized Samburu


    Coming from a County where the female gender is not encouraged to play sports, Cynthia Lolopiro has never been discouraged…

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  • Jul112022

    Isiolo conservancies issue bursaries to thousands of needy Students

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    By NRT Four NRT member community conservancies in Isiolo each recently received Ksh 2.5 million from the Community Livelihood Fund…

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  • Jul102022

    Tharaka clergy gang up against the legendary Kibuuka spirits

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      By Dennis Mutua In Tharaka culture, there existed several cultural practices that the community believed in and practiced during…

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  • Jul092022


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    By Jeff Mwangi The British Army Training Unit in Kenya (BATUK) has been conducting a range sweep exercise at their…

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  • Jun082022

    Communities compete for the two MP slots in Isiolo County

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    It is very hard to predict who will be the Isiolo North and South MP this time around as each…

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  • Jun012022

    Editorial: When electorates shelve selfish interests, the political leaders will do the same

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    This election year is a unique one in several ways. It is unique because for the first time in recent…

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  • May312022

    The plight of Sports in Samburu County

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    When we mention Samburu County, what rings a bell in most of our minds is born free film, camel racing,…

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  • May312022

    KeMU FC bounces back

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    KeMU FC the name given to the football team of Kenya Methodist University is an icon in Meru County and…

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  • May272022

    EMBU’s EWASCO FC: From Strength to Strength

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    By Hillary Mukasa Embu Water and Sanitation Company is the full name of EWASCO FC. The team from Embu played…

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