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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Sep282020

    The cry of ‘Tharaka Mbeere’ Muthanthara villagers

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    By Mugendi Kangichu Muthanthara is a sleepy village in Mbeere North Sub-County and located at the farthest end of Embu…

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  • Sep282020

    Know Uvariri village Embu; the home of magic and traditional medicine

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    By Mugendi Kangichu Kune is a small village located in the interior of semi-arid Mbeere North Constituency, Embu County boasts…

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  • Sep282020

    Trenches in Embu town an eyesore

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    By Mugendi Kangichu Four years ago the World Bank in partnership with Sweden Government supported a project to improve drainage…

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  • Sep282020

    Where is Senator Abraham Kithure Kindiki?

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki has been a man on the news of late, after his…

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  • Sep282020

    Why Kiamuriuki in Chuka is notorious for bhang supplies

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The Kiamuriuki region of Tharaka Nithi has made a name due to its notoriety in the…

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  • Sep282020

    Why Kathwana Municipality boundary conflicts need urgent government action

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Residents of Kangutu market in Chuka, Tharaka Nithi, recently uprooted a Kathwana Municipality signpost erected in…

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  • Sep282020

    Governor Njuki’s new stadium for Kairuni

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Residents of Maara Sub County are set to benefit from the Kairuni sports ground, an on-going…

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  • Sep282020

    Timau farmers deploy drones to spray high value crops

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    By Simon Kobia John Gituma, large scale wheat, canola, and barley producer in Kisima in Meru, is one of the…

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  • Sep282020

    Details of how Njuri Ncheke fights witchcraft.

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Being labeled a witch in the Meru community can cause anguish from being ostracized besides violence…

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  • Sep282020

    Nkubu residents want a footbridge at Thingithu River

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    By Simon Kobia For Gerrison Murithi, crossing the Thingithu river at the entrance of Nkubu town in South Imenti is…

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