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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Apr232020

    Female genital mutilation-pursuing the national agenda to eradicate it

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        By John Burke Baidoo-Legal Advisor-Ripples International WHAT IS FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as…

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  • Apr232020

    Learning to live a God-centered life amid Corona Virus

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        By Fr Lawrence Murori Peace and Health, At this challenging time, our views may be considerably different. Our…

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  • Apr232020

    Managing Development During Crisis

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        By John Kinoti, Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a project manager than being informed that due…

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  • Apr232020

    Don’t you de-value the little ones in any society!

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    By Nkirote Makarius I Am seated with a friend on a round table some weeks ago. We were eating some…

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  • Apr232020

    From Firewood to Fermentation – Biogas Project Launched in Conservancies

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    By NRT, Rose, a 49-year-old mother-of-10 from Archers Post, Samburu County, is among hundreds of women for whom cutting and…

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  • Apr232020

    How Marsabit County farmers were offered over Ksh 50 Million

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    By Marsabit Governor’s press To empower farmers to adopt modern farming technology, the Marsabit County Government in collaboration with the…

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  • Apr232020

    Why the United Nations is interested in Marsabit affairs

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    By Marsabit Governor’s press UN officials and foreign missions have visited Marsabit County to identify opportunities for innovation. The officials…

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  • Apr232020

    Changes expected as Marsabit Municipal board is sworn in

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    By Governors press service Nine members of the Municipal Board of Marsabit town took the oath of office in presence…

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  • Apr232020

    Revealed: Inside Ethnic politics in Marsabit

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    By Karol Czuba At 70,961.2 square kilometers, Marsabit is in terms of land area Kenya’s largest county. Because it is…

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  • Apr232020

    Finally Governor Wambora mends fences with MCAs

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    By correspondent With slightly above two years to the next general elections, Embu governor Martin Wambora has successfully brought on…

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