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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Aug162023

    KDF officer killed by Elephant in Isiolo

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    By Gerald Kibaki A Kenya Defense Forces officer was trampled to death at their School of Artillery camp in the Kainuk area of…

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  • Aug142023

    Police, accomplice arrested with Elephant tusks worth Sh12million in Meru

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    By Gerald Kibaki A police officer and his civilian accomplice were on Sunday arrested with elephant tusks valued at Sh12 million. The officer,…

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  • Aug082023

    Saku residents up in arms over land transfer ruling

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    By Gerald Kibaki Residents of Jerime, Saku sub-county, Marsabit County are up in arms over a court ruling that favored…

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  • Aug072023

    Meru University renews VC’s tenure

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    By Gerald Kibaki The Meru University of Science and Technology Council has renewed Prof Romanus Odhiambo’s contract to serve his…

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  • Aug072023

    Meru among counties listed for Cholera vaccination

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    By Gerald Kibaki The Ministry of Health has urged Kenyans to volunteer for free cholera vaccination beginning this week to…

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  • Jul272023

    Protests won’t lower the cost of living, former Meru Governor Kiraitu tells opposition

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    By Gerald Kibaki Former Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has said that respect and ample time is paramount to all elected…

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  • Jul272023

    Retired Chief found dead near his farm in Tharaka Nithi

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    By Gerald Kibaki Police are investigating an incident where a retired Magumoni chief was found dead under unclear circumstances near…

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  • Jul262023

    Three people killed as bandits raid Kabachi village, Igembe North

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    By Gerald Kibaki A somber mood has engulfed one family from Kabachi village in Mutuati sub-county, Igembe North after three…

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  • Jul252023

    Meru County goes cashless to boost revenue collection

    1 Comment

    By Gerald Kibaki The County Government of Meru has narrowed down on cash payments to increase revenue and seal corruption…

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  • Jul252023

    Tharaka Woman MP sets eyes on Governor seat

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    By Gerald Kibaki Tharaka Nithi Woman Representative Susan Ngugi Mwindu has declared her interest to vie for the Governor seat…

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