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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Mar032019

    Frontier Counties leaders vow to oppose new revenue sharing formula

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    Leaders from pastoralist communities have vowed to fight any plans aimed at restructuring the revenue allocation formula. Speaking during the…

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  • Mar012019

    University of Embu administration relocates to new multimillion office block

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    The University of Embu administration has relocated to its brand new Administration Building within the University compound after a colorful…

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  • Mar012019

    Tharaka Nithi innovation fair lives to billing as unique innovations take center stage

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    Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki has called on innovators to develop technologies that are durable and able to sustain local…

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  • Mar012019

    Embu: We are focused on timely delivery of development projects, says Matiang’i

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    Interior Cabinet Secretary and chairman National Development Implementation and Communication Cabinet Committee Dr. Fred Matiang’i has reiterated the government’s commitment…

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  • Feb282019

    Samburu county benefits from educational infrastructure

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    Samburu County Deputy Governor Julius Leseeto has hailed the partnership between the government of Japan and the county government in…

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  • Feb282019

    Senator Linturi sued by stepson over property row

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    Embattled Meru Senator Mithika is facing another legal battle after he was sued by his step son over a property…

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  • Feb282019

    Pastoralists’ leadership summit to discuss security and development kicks off

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    Officials from Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) and Pastoralist Parliamentary Group are in Garissa town for the third edition of…

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  • Feb272019

    Marsabit: Jillo Tona dam to quench locals thirst

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    Marsabit County Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo has hailed the partnership between the County administration and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit…

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  • Feb272019

    MPs Rindikiri, Jaldesa fault Kenya Ferry Services over Sh.300 million “fast tracking” fee

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    Buuri MP Rindikiri Mugambi has slammed the move by the government to pay an additional Sh.300 million to fast track…

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  • Feb272019

    Senator Kindiki calls on government to establish kitty for jobless graduates

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    Tharaka Nithi Senator and Deputy Senate Speaker Prof Kithure Kindiki has called on the national Government to establish a kitty…

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