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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Nov282018

    Samburu: Governor Lenolkulal pledges to step up conservation efforts

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    Samburu Governor Moses Lenolkul has reiterated his administration’s commitment to support community conservation efforts through Community Conservancies. The Governor who…

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  • Nov282018

    Isiolo: MP Rehema Jaldesa calls on parliament to pass gender bill

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    Isiolo County Woman Representative Rehema Jaldesa has called on MPs to shun hypocrisy and pass the gender bill. Speaking during…

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  • Nov282018

    Tharaka: Kathwana Municipality Board inaugurated

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    Residents of Kathwana will soon receive better services following the inauguration of the Kathwana Municipality Board members who will oversee…

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  • Nov282018

    Meru: New equipment for garbage collection launched

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    Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has launched new technology garbage collecting equipment that includes a modern truck and six bins for…

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  • Nov282018

    Samburu: Pastoralists set to benefit from Ksh. 110 Million abattoir

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    Pastoralists in Samburu will no longer have to seek for abattoirs in other areas following the commissioning of the construction…

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  • Nov272018

    Igembe South MP released on Ksh 1 million bond

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    Igembe South MP John Paul Mwirigi has been released on a shs. 1 million bond with a surety of the…

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  • Nov272018

    Security tightened as Igembe South MP is arraigned in Court

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    Security has been tightened at the Meru Police Station and the Meru Law courts ahead of the arraignment of Igembe…

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  • Nov262018

    Mbarire lobbies MPs to vote for Gender Bill

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    Nominated MP Cecily Mbarire has called on MPs to pass the gender bill noting that the bill will give a…

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  • Nov242018

    Marsabit water bill set to address perennial water shortage in the county

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    The County Assembly of Marsabit has passed the Marsabit County Water Services Bill, 2018 which aims at among other things…

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  • Nov232018

    Invest in Primary health care interventions, CS Kariuki urges Counties

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    Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Sicily Kariuki has called on County Governments and other development partners to continue investing in Primary…

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