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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Nov232018

    Meru: MPs decry police harassment in Michuki crackdown

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    East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) MP Mpuru Aburi, Igembe South MP John Paul and North Imenti MP Rahim Dawood have…

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  • Nov232018

    Kenya Music and Cultural Festival kicks off in Meru

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    The 92nd edition of the Kenya Music and Cultural Festival has kicked off in Meru. The event which is set…

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  • Nov232018

    Isiolo Bodaboda operators to receive training

    1 Comment

    Boda Boda operators in Isiolo County are set to receive training courtesy of the County Government and the traffic department.…

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  • Nov212018

    Governor Wambora calls for changes in policies to enable small scale traders and SMEs thrive

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    Embu Governor Martin Wambora has called on County Governments to create enabling environment for investors to enable upcoming traders be…

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  • Nov212018

    Samburu: Assembly dissolves water board, suspends MD

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    The County Assembly of Samburu has dissolved the Samburu Water and Sanitation Company (SAWASCO) Board of Directors and suspended the…

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  • Nov212018

    Blow for Wambora as MCAs reject nominee for Revenue Authority

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    The County Assembly of Embu has rejected the name of the nominee for the position of Chairman, Embu County Revenue…

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  • Nov212018

    Tharaka: Government partners with AMREF to boost NHIF enrollment

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    The County Government of Tharaka Nithi has entered into partnership with AMREF to mobilize residents to register for the National…

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  • Nov202018

    Samburu County receives bicycles for community health volunteers from Uzazi Salama

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    The County Government of Samburu Department of Health has beneffitted from a donation of 450 bicycles from the Uzazi Salama,…

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  • Nov202018

    CS Kobia urges KCSE Candidates to embrace honesty, integrity

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    Public Service and Gender Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof. Margaret Kobia has urged KCSE candidates to embrace honesty and integrity even…

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  • Nov192018

    Top KCPE candidates score 453 marks

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    Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed has announced this year’s KCPE results with the top two candidates scoring 453 marks, two…

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