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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Nov152018

    Police seize bhang worth Shs. 500,000 in Embu

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    Police in Embu have seized 50 stones of bhang valued at Ksh.500, 000 and impounded a Probox vehicle used to…

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  • Nov152018

    Court bars Senator Linturi from accessing palatial Runda home

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    Meru Senator Mithika Linturi has been barred from accessing his Runda home by the court. Milimani Commercial Court senior resident…

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  • Nov142018

    Suspected poachers nabbed with 57.5 kgs of Ivory

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    Officers from the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and National Intelligence Service (NIS) have arrested five suspects and recovered twenty one…

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  • Nov142018

    Governor Ali feted as Kenya Red Cross Patron

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    Marsabit County Governor Mohamud Ali has been inaugurated as patron of the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) Marsabit County in…

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  • Nov142018

    MP Munene calls for comprehensive investigations into graft cases

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    Chuka Igambang’ombe MP Patrick Munene has called on the EACC and DCI to widen the net in investigations against corrupt…

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  • Nov132018

    Don’t politicize the Universal Health Care program, CS Kariuki urges Isiolo residents

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    Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Sicily Kariuki has called on leaders and residents of Isiolo County not to politicize the Universal…

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  • Nov132018

    Missing man found dead in Marsabit

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    A man who reportedly went missing six days ago has been found dead in Manyatta haro, Marsabit County. Soye Hassan…

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  • Nov122018

    Transport Paralyzed in Maralal as “Michuki rules” return

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    Transport services in Maralal town have been paralyzed as the crackdown on Public Service Vehicles (PSV) kicked off. Hundreds of…

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  • Nov122018

    Rev. Mugambi calls on disciplined forces to put God above everything

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    Rt.Rev Salesius Mugambi, Bishop of Meru, in charge uniformed discipline services chaplaincy has called on the officers to put God…

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  • Nov092018

    Governor Kuti calls for stronger ties with KMTC

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    Isiolo Governor Mohammed Kuti has called for stronger ties between his administration and the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) in…

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