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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Nov092018

    Suspected poacher arrested by police in Isiolo

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    A suspected poacher has been arrested by officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS)…

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  • Nov092018

    Sale of Miraa and Muguka using private vehicles banned in Maralal

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    The sale of popular stimulants Miraa and Muguka using private vehicles has been banned by the County Government of Samburu.…

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  • Nov082018

    Embu Hospital set to begin chemotherapy treatment

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    Embu County residents will now be able to access Cancer Screening and Chemotherapy treatment the Embu Teaching and referral hospital…

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  • Nov082018

    Suspected drug traffickers arrested in Meru

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    Five suspected drug traffickers have been arrested by the police in Meru after being nabbed with drugs with a street…

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  • Nov072018

    Prof Njoka urges Technical institutions to offer relevant courses

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    Chuka University vice chancellor Prof Erastus Njoka has challenged newly established technical institutions to offer relevant courses in line with…

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  • Nov072018

    Marsabit Senator Godana calls for alternative dispute resolution mechanisms

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    Marsabit County Senator Godana Harugura has called on residents in the County to seek alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and shun…

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  • Nov072018

    Isiolo County receives fire engine to bolster emergency response

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    Isiolo County Governor Dr Mohamed Kuti has revealed plans by his administration to set up a fire station in the…

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  • Nov072018

    Three killed in Isiolo retaliatory attack

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    Three people have perished following retaliatory attacks between two communities along the Isiolo-Garissa Counties border. Among the deceased were two…

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  • Nov062018

    60,000 Title deeds to be issued to Isiolo residents

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    Residents of Isiolo County are set to receive over 60,000 title deeds according to County Governor Dr Mohamed Kuti. Speaking…

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  • Nov062018

    Tharaka Nithi: Residents kill stray lion

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    A stray lion that has been terrorizing residents of Kathangasini, Tharaka North has been killed by the locals. The marauding…

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