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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Nov052018

    Disarm all civilians in Marsabit, leaders urge government

    1 Comment

    Marsabit County leaders have called upon the National Government to fast track the disarment process in the county. The leaders…

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  • Nov052018

    Embu Government eyes Chinese market for agricultural products

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    The County Government of Embu is eyeing a stake of the Chinese market through the export of key agricultural products…

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  • Nov052018

    County Executive urges Youth to enroll in polytechnics to get skills

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    Meru County Executive in charge of Education Linner Nkirote has challenged youth in the County to enroll in polytechnics and…

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  • Nov052018

    MP Munene calls on private sector to invest in healthcare

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    Chuka Igambang’ombe MP Patrick Munene has challenged players in the private sector to supplement the government’s efforts in achieving the…

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  • Nov052018

    Munene: Bodaboda riders to receive free training

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    Bodaboda riders in Chuka Igambang’ombe are set to benefit from free training on traffic rules and road safety according to…

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  • Nov042018

    Komarock Modern Healthcare Hospital opens its doors in Tharaka Nithi

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    Residents of Tharaka Nithi are set to benefit from an ultra-modern hospital opened in Kathwana. The Komarock Modern Healthcare hospital…

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  • Nov032018

    Meru: Government embarks on tree planting to boost forest cover and conserve environment

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    The County Government of Meru has embarked on a tree planting exercise that aims at increasing the forest cover from…

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  • Nov022018

    Samburu: Lailelai water project set to ease access to clean, safe water

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    Residents of Lailelai, Samburu County are set to put behind them the perennial challenge of water shortage following the sinking…

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  • Nov022018

    Police nab bhang worth 5 million in Meru

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    Police in Meru are holding in custody a man found in possession of bhang worth five million in Kooje area,…

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  • Nov012018

    NYS, Kenya prisons in partnership to cut down costs

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    The National Youth Service (NYS) has partnered with the Kenya Prisons Service to harness resources and cut down on costs…

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