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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Oct302018

    Meru County embarks on beautification programme for environmental conservation

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    The County government of Meru has embarked on a beautification programme that is also intended at conserving the environment. The…

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  • Oct292018

    One killed, eight injured following grenade explosion at children’s home

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    A grenade explosion at Isiolo’s Victors Children’s home has left a 12 year old child dead and eight others nursing…

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  • Oct292018

    Isiolo Finance CEC resigns, cites frustration

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    Isiolo County Finance and Planning CEC Mwenda Thiribi has resigned from his position citing massive corruption and frustration by cartels.…

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  • Oct292018

    Meru: Alcohol board keen on strengthening legislation for effective control

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    Plans are underway by the County Government of Meru to introduce a bill that seeks to strengthen and give the…

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  • Oct262018

    Free Sanitary Towel Distribution Program launched in Isiolo

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    Isiolo County woman representative Rehema Jaldesa has launched the Free Sanitary Towel Distribution Program for learners in the County. The…

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  • Oct262018

    Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Institute to be elevated to National Polytechnic status

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    Plans are underway to elevate the Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Training Institute to a national polytechnic. According to the Institute’s board…

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  • Oct262018

    Two suspected poachers arrested in Samburu with tusks worth 2 million

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    Two suspected poachers have been arrested by the police in Samburu County with elephant tusks valued at Ksh 2 million.…

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  • Oct262018

    Governors Murungi, Kivutha to co-chair special CoG committee

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    The Council of Governors has agreed to support the calls for a new referendum but only if certain conditions are…

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  • Oct262018

    DP Ruto urges farmers to embrace value addition

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    Deputy President William Ruto has urged farmers to embrace agro-processing so as to increase productivity and achieve food security. Speaking…

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  • Oct252018

    University of Embu Endowment Fund launched

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    Deputy President William Ruto has lauded the establishment of University of Embu endowment fund as a great milestone that should…

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