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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Oct162018

    Three die in two separate accidents in Tharaka Nithi

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    Three people have perished in two separate road accidents in Chuka/Igambang’ombe, Tharaka Nithi County. The first accident which involved Chuka…

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  • Oct152018

    Tharaka Nithi first lady calls for early screening in fight against cancer

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    Tharaka Nithi County First Lady Margaret Muthomi has called for early detection of cancer through screening and effective treatment options.…

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  • Oct152018

    Samburu woman hacks child to death

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    Police in Baragoi, Samburu North are holding a 35-year-old woman for allegedly killing one of her children and seriously injuring…

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  • Oct152018

    Matiang’i: Marsabit clashes were politically instigated

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    Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi has accused political leaders of fueling the ongoing clashes in Marsabit County. The CS has…

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  • Oct142018

    Raila calls on students to embrace hard work and shun shady deals for quick wealth

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    Former Prime Minister and ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga has called on students to embrace the values of hard work…

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  • Oct142018

    Marsabit: Four killed as tribal clashes break out

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    Tension remains high in Shurr, Marsabit County after four people were killed following tribal clashes pitting the Borana and Gabra…

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  • Oct132018

    Tharaka Nithi MCAs pledge to support Baringo Senator Gideon Moi for 2022

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    A section of MCAs from Tharaka Nithi County have pledged to support Baringo Senator Gideon Moi for the 2022 presidential…

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  • Oct132018

    Meru: President Uhuru urges leaders to focus on development

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    President Uhuru Kenyatta has called on leaders to stop politicking and instead focus on development of the country. Speaking in…

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  • Oct122018

    Embu: Student slashes lab technician’s head

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    A student of Macumo Day Secondary School in Embu County is being held by the police for questioning after he…

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  • Oct122018

    Construction of Embu cancer center completed

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    The construction of Embu Level Five hospital cancer wing has been completed according to the County’s Health Executive Jamleck Muturi.…

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