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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Oct112018

    Meru County automates revenue collection in bid to raise Sh1billion

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    The County Government of Meru has entered into partnership with Co-operative bank and Jambo Pay to automate its revenue streams…

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  • Oct112018

    Bandits raid village in Tharaka Nithi

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    Police in Tharaka Nithi are pursuing armed bandits who raided Nkiruni village and made away with 22 cows, 47 goats,…

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  • Oct102018

    Meru county Assembly clerk dies in road accident

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    The County Assembly of Meru clerk Gideon Thuranira has died following a road accident along the Meru-Maua road. According to…

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  • Oct092018

    Referendum will lead to divisions, Ruto cautions

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    Deputy President William Ruto has cautioned against holding a referendum to create positions for a few individuals with selfish interests.…

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  • Oct092018

    Embu: Showdown looms as MCAs threaten to defy party decision to reinstate Chief Whip

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    A section of MCAs allied to the ruling Jubilee party have opposed the decision by the party to reinstate Margaret…

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  • Oct082018

    Meru: Deputy President throws weight behind calls for referendum

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    Deputy President William Ruto has weighed in on the ongoing referendum debate, saying it should reduce the burden on Kenyans…

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  • Oct082018

    Tharaka Nithi County partners with KLB to supply learning materials

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    The County Government of Tharaka Nithi has partnered with the Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB) to supply approved learning materials to…

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  • Oct082018

    Don’t use referendum for selfish interests, Muthomi Njuki warns

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    Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki has cautioned against using the referendum to create positions for a few individuals at the…

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  • Oct082018

    Marsabit: Boinnet cautions police reservists against misuse of firearms

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    The Inspector General of police Joseph Boinett has cautioned National Police Reservists against misuse of firearms. Speaking in Marsabit County,…

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  • Oct072018

    Meru leaders caution against referendum

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    A section of elected leaders from Meru County have cautioned against calls for referendum saying it might divide the country.…

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