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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Oct062018

    Governor Kiraitu reaches out to CS Munya

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    Meru County Governor Kiraitu Murungi has reached out to Trade Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya to join hands with him and…

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  • Oct062018

    Governor Kiraitu calls on farmers to embrace diversification

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    Meru County Governor Kiraitu Murungi has called on farmers to embrace various crops in a bid to diversify. Speaking in…

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  • Oct052018

    Samburu leaders pledge to support LAPSSET project

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    Leaders from Samburu County have pledged to support the LAPSSET project noting that the corridor will foster economic growth in…

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  • Oct052018

    Tharaka Nithi County Executives sign performance contracts to enhance service delivery

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    Tharaka Nithi County Executive members have signed one-year performance contracts aimed at monitoring and enhancing service delivery with non-performers set…

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  • Oct052018

    Tharaka Nithi Governor sends tough message to water CS Chelugui

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    Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki has cautioned Water and Irrigation Cabinet secretary Simon Chelugui against meddling in the management of…

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  • Oct052018

    Thirteen year old charged after allegedly sodomizing four minors in Embu

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    A 13 year old boy has been arraigned before Embu Principal Magistrate Samuel Mutai for allegedly sodomizing four boys aged…

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  • Oct032018

    Meru: 33 wards receive sports equipment worth 24 million

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    Assorted sports equipment valued at Ksh 24 million have been issued to 33 wards in Meru County to be distributed…

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  • Oct032018

    Murara water project to quench thirst of residents

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    Residents of Murara village, Igembe North are a happy lot following the commissioning of the Murara water project that was…

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  • Oct032018

    Trial for the murder of Maribel Kapolon moved to Chuka

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    The case against two suspects in the murder of nine year old Maribel Kapolon has been moved to Chuka. Issuing…

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  • Oct032018

    Isiolo: Government takes over school feeding program

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    The Government has taken over the school feeding program in arid and semi-arid areas from the World Food Program (WFP).…

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