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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Sep072018

    Isiolo: Government partners with UNICEF for implementation of IECD

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    Isiolo county government has partnered with UNICEF to implement the Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) project to boost learning among…

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  • Sep072018

    Kajuju calls for innovative avenues of collaboration to bring lasting peace to the ASALs

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    Commission on Administrative Justice Chairperson Florence Kajuju has called on stakeholders in peace and security promotion to explore innovative avenues…

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  • Sep072018

    Two killed in Marsabit as Gabra, Borana herders clash over pasture

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    Two people have been killed and several houses torched following clashes between Gabra and Borana herdsmen over pasture in Horonder…

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  • Sep062018

    Isiolo: Leaders call on National Government to boost security in the region

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    Leaders from Isiolo County have called on the National Government and all the relevant security agencies to end the perennial…

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  • Sep062018

    ASALs receive Sh.3.1 billion from the E.U to support Resilient Livelihoods

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    Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) received a major boost from the European Union after receiving an additional 3.1 billion as…

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  • Sep062018

    Governmnet to construct 140 kms of Road under Annuity Programme in North Eastern Kenya

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    The Second Annuity programme sponsored by the Government of Kenya for Infrastructure Development has been awarded and funding arrangement completed.…

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  • Sep062018

    Over 5,000 old cases to be cleared by Judiciary

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    The Judiciary has embarked on hearing and determining court cases that are older than five years in the court system…

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  • Sep062018

    Duale calls for removal of Meru and Tharaka Nithi from ASALs list

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    The leader of Majority in the National Assembly Aden Duale has called for the removal of 14 counties from the…

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  • Sep062018

    Fuel shortage as suppliers stop distribution

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    Motorists across the country have started feeling the pinch of the 16% VAT tax on petroleum products as most of…

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  • Sep062018

    Two dead, several injured in Subuiga accident

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    Two people were killed and several others injured following an accident involving a matatu and a private car at Subuiga…

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