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Breaking boundary through sports in Isiolo and Marsabit County

Breaking boundary through sports in Isiolo and Marsabit County
April 23, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Hilary Mukasa,

Just like it is worldwide, sports in Isiolo County provide young people with opportunities for special interaction through which they can develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary in society.

Sports and especially team games are an important part of the lives of residents in Isiolo, whether they are spectators or participants. For many in Isiolo County soccer is a never-ending source of conversation, fans feel a deep affinity with their team, and star players are given the status of heroes. There is one man who has outstandingly contributed to the growth of soccer in Isiolo County.

Martin Mutembei is a coaching Champion in this County endowed with rich football talents. His patience, passion, and selflessness contribution in soccer as a coach have taken him on top of the ladder. He began as a coach-player for Olympics FC one of the oldest teams from Isiolo. He led Isiolo boy’s high school team to become 3 times Champions of the Eastern Province Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA) games in 2009,2010and 2011.

The prosperous coach also led the Isiolo National Youth Talent Academy (NYTA) branch to reach the semifinals at the inter NYTA Centers National competition. He has been the Copa coca-cola Champion of Eastern Province. Mutembei has coached several teams in his career including Taqwa FC of Isiolo, Isiolo Youth in the FKF Division 2 League, Mitunguu United in the FKF Division one league, Chogoria All Stars FC, Meru County, Tharaka Nithi County and Marsabit County government football teams in the Inter-County competitions.

The founder of Isiolo youngsters has also coached the Army side Desert Warriors and Samba FC of Moyale.

All flourishing coaches need to study and get educated on football issues. Mutembei has acquired invaluable knowledge and skills by undergoing a CAF diploma training, KNVB ((Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond) advanced coaching course, Arsenal coaching course conducted in Kenya, CAF D, Basic coaching under former Meru football club KCC (Kambakia Christian Center) coaching clinic by friends from the UK and basic coaching courses by the late James Sianga, Bob Oyugi, and Edwards Karanja.

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