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  • Sep142023

    Governor Njuki commissions Kiracha dairy farmers milk coolant as farmers initiate a Ksh 200 million feed factory

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    By Beatrice Mwende The County Government of Tharaka Nithi led by Governor Muthomi Njuki has reinforced the aspect of value…

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  • Sep132023

    Revealing the new tricks devised by illicit brewers in Tharaka Nithi County

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    By Beatrice Mwende As the county government, administration, village elders, and other local authorities gear towards the ban of illicit…

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  • Sep122023

    Woman Rep Susan Mwindu to vie for Tharaka Nithi Gubernatorial seat

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    By Beatrice Mwende Tharaka Nithi Woman Representative Susan Ngugi Mwindu has declared her interest in vying for county Governor. While…

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  • Jul272023

    Retired Chief found dead near his farm in Tharaka Nithi

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    By Gerald Kibaki Police are investigating an incident where a retired Magumoni chief was found dead under unclear circumstances near…

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  • Jul252023

    Tharaka Woman MP sets eyes on Governor seat

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    By Gerald Kibaki Tharaka Nithi Woman Representative Susan Ngugi Mwindu has declared her interest to vie for the Governor seat…

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  • Jul142023

    You won’t hold us at ransom, Ruto warns Azimio as DP Gachagua, MPs call for Odinga to be jailed

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    By Gerald Kibaki President William Ruto says he will not allow the Azimio leader Raila Odinga to hold the Country…

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  • Jul132023

    Prof. Kithure Kindiki ranked as the best performing CS

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    By Gerald Kibaki Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has been ranked as the best-performing CS in President William Ruto’s Government.…

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  • Jul102023

    Pressure on Eastern region MPs as handful make it to list of 20 best performing

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    By Eastern Newspaper Team Pressure has been mounting on Members of Parliament in Meru, Isiolo, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Marsabit, Samburu,…

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  • Jul102023

    Ura Gate: The return of Kenya’s second-best cultural festival

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    By Blaise Gitonga This year is set to see a return of the annual Tharaka Nithi Ura Gate Cultural Festival…

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  • Jul102023

    CS Kindiki warns people fueling border disputes in Tharaka, Meru and Isiolo

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent If you fuel border animosity and killings and grab land and property from innocent people whether…

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