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  • Sep262023

    GSU officer shot by bandits in Laikipia

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    By Gerald Mutethia A GSU officer was injured in a fierce shootout with cattle rustlers at Mbus Kutuk area of Lenguruma in Isiolo North.…

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  • Sep212023

    Meru Court dismisses petition by MauMau descendants

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    By Gerald Kibaki  The Environment and Land Court sitting in Meru dismissed a petition filed by some Mau Mau descendants…

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  • Sep182023

    The Coaching journey of George Ouma: Meet the passionate coach from Laikipia

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    Hillary Mukasa The first edition of the Kenya Youth Inter County Sports Association (KYISA) championship was held in Laikipia County…

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  • Sep182023

    Judiciary empowers Samburu elders and opens High Court registry in Maralal

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    By Eastern Correspondent Elders and residents of Samburu County have a reason to smile after the Judiciary incorporated them into…

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  • Sep182023

    The body chemisty that drives happiness and success in your business, workplace, and studies

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    By Titus Kinoti Happiness in human beings activates several areas of the brain including the right frontal cortex, the precuneus,…

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  • Sep142023

    Boost in water provision as NDMA funds 65 Million shillings worth of programs

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    By Machakos County Press Machakos County has greatly boosted the water sector after the National Drought Management Authority injected Ksh…

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  • Sep142023

    Sera makes history as first community conservancy to perform Black Rhino ear notching in Kenya

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    By NRT Recently, Sera Rhino Sanctuary in Sera Community Conservancy in Samburu County made history by conducting Kenya’s first black…

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  • Sep132023

    MCA Ndagara demands jobs for minority Tharaka in Kitui

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    By Gerald Kibaki Tharaka Ward MCA Muthengi Ndagara has urged Kitui Governor Julius Malombe to ensure the marginalized Tharaka community…

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  • Sep132023

    Meru Dairy to establish a dairy cattle ranch dubbed ‘Dairy Boarding’ and a new feed manufacturing plant

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    By Mutethia Mukembu The Meru Dairy Union CEO Kenneth Gitonga says plans are in advance to establish a Dairy cattle…

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  • Sep122023

    Mwangi Kiunjuri- Will the MP make Laikipia East great again?

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    By Eastern Correspondent Sharing a bit of Intelligence with former and now Laikipia East MP CS Mwangi Kiunjuri is not…

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