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  • Aug162023

    KDF officer killed by Elephant in Isiolo

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    By Gerald Kibaki A Kenya Defense Forces officer was trampled to death at their School of Artillery camp in the Kainuk area of…

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  • Aug072023

    Meru among counties listed for Cholera vaccination

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    By Gerald Kibaki The Ministry of Health has urged Kenyans to volunteer for free cholera vaccination beginning this week to…

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  • Jul182023

    Arm conservancy Rangers to help fight banditry, government told

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    By Yvonne Mutwiri Officers at Nasuulu Conservancy have urged the government to arm all the rangers so that they aid…

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  • Jul102023

    Isiolo County government’s feeding program for ECDE Learners

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    By Mukembu Mutethia The County Government of Isiolo recently launched a feeding program for ECDE learners. Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo…

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  • Jul102023

    Pressure on Eastern region MPs as handful make it to list of 20 best performing

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    By Eastern Newspaper Team Pressure has been mounting on Members of Parliament in Meru, Isiolo, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Marsabit, Samburu,…

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  • Jul102023

    CS Kindiki warns people fueling border disputes in Tharaka, Meru and Isiolo

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent If you fuel border animosity and killings and grab land and property from innocent people whether…

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  • Jul072023

    Why pastoralists in Isiolo are insuring their livestock against drought, pests and diseases

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    By Mutethia Mukembu Livestock owners in Isiolo County are trooping to Agricultural offices to insure their livestock after many of…

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  • Jul052023

    Why Gender-Based Violence is still ripe in Isiolo

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Reports show 40 percent of Kenyan women are likely to experience physical or sexual violence from…

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  • Jul042023

    Joy as Holy Angels Sisters’ ECDE Centre in Isiolo is opened

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    By Simon Kobia Residents of Ngaremara and other parts of Isiolo County are happy courtesy of the progress of a…

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  • Jun142023


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    By Gerald Mutethia Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has given security teams in the Eastern region ten days to show the…

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