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  • Sep122023

    Iconic Ikutha AIC Centre in Kitui County- The Story of Missionary Johannes Hoffman

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Ikutha AIC church along the Kibwezi Kitui highway is rich in the history of missionary activities…

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  • Jul142023

    Samidoh, Gatutura to thrill Meru fans

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    By Gerald Kibaki Celebrated Mugithi maestros Samuel Muchoki Ndirangu commonly known by his stage name as Samidoh and Joseph Kigio…

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  • Jul102023

    What is the difference between the Samburu and the Maasai?

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    By Sponyoo and Kuura Ibeere In this edition, we briefly focus on two communities that look similar yet distinct in…

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  • Jul072023

    Return of the Marsabit Cultural Festival excites residents

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Marsabit residents are excited after the county government announced plans to re-introduce Cultural diversity festivals starting…

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  • Jul062023

    The changing narrative of Kandutura settlement in the vast Laikipia County

    1 Comment

    By Habitat for Humanity Kenya Miles away from Kenya’s capital Nairobi is Kandutura settlement It is located in Rumuruti Location,…

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  • Jul042023

    Joy as Holy Angels Sisters’ ECDE Centre in Isiolo is opened

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    By Simon Kobia Residents of Ngaremara and other parts of Isiolo County are happy courtesy of the progress of a…

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  • May022023

    Why water kills 36 people per year in Marsabit

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    By Gerald Mutethia Researchers are worried that most Esophageal cancer and kidney problems in Marsabit County are caused by unsafe…

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  • Mar282023

    Marsabit youths turn to ‘witchcraft’ for quick wealth as police seek elders’ curse to stop them

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    By Gerald Mutethia Elders drawn from Merile in Marsabit and Serolipi in Samburu Counties have conducted the worst traditional curse…

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  • Dec062022

    Puzzle of killer Tharaka Nithi honey claiming lives of consumers

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    By Dennis Mutua Tharaka has been making headlines in recent days over scary deaths of locals resulting from honey which…

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  • Dec062022

    Meru clinical eye examination shock as 10 million risk being blind in 10 years

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent A random Clinical eye examination outreach at Nkubu town is worrying eye medical specialists after seven…

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