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  • Sep182023

    The body chemisty that drives happiness and success in your business, workplace, and studies

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    By Titus Kinoti Happiness in human beings activates several areas of the brain including the right frontal cortex, the precuneus,…

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  • Sep182023

    EDITORIAL: Fully devolved governments are best for service delivery

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    The recent announcement by President William Ruto that his administration is committed to handing over the remaining functions to the…

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  • Sep142023

    CoG urges doctors to shelve planned strike

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    By Gerald Kibaki The Council of Governors has called on doctors under the KMPDU to shelve their planned strike, noting…

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  • Sep142023

    Emotional send-off for soldier Killed by Al-Shabaab

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    By Gerald Kibaki A somber mood engulfed Tutua Village in Ruiri Rwarera Buuri constituency during the burial of a young…

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  • Sep142023

    How Azimio lost to Kithure Kindiki in the three day maandamano campaign

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    By Ichenga Mugao 1. Monotony of approach They employed a uniform approach for the three days. They never changed tact.…

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  • Sep142023

    Sera makes history as first community conservancy to perform Black Rhino ear notching in Kenya

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    By NRT Recently, Sera Rhino Sanctuary in Sera Community Conservancy in Samburu County made history by conducting Kenya’s first black…

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  • Sep142023

    Why Gachagua, Ruto allies turned CS Peter Munya into a punching bag

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    By Eastern Correspondent Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, and Ruto’s allies have trashed former Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya for fighting…

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  • Sep132023

    Meru Dairy to establish a dairy cattle ranch dubbed ‘Dairy Boarding’ and a new feed manufacturing plant

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    By Mutethia Mukembu The Meru Dairy Union CEO Kenneth Gitonga says plans are in advance to establish a Dairy cattle…

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  • Jul272023

    Protests won’t lower the cost of living, former Meru Governor Kiraitu tells opposition

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    By Gerald Kibaki Former Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has said that respect and ample time is paramount to all elected…

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  • Jul212023

    New era for Methodist church in Kenya as Rev. Deye takes over

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    By Gerald Kibaki It is a new dawn for the Methodist Church in Kenya after Bishop Isaiah Deye takes over…

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