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  • Dec062022

    Empowering indigenous communities to conserve Beisa Oryx in Isiolo region

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    By Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) The beisa oryx is one of the most stunning animals in the savannah—with its long,…

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  • Jul142022

    Uhuru’s goodies for Samburu

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    Residents of Samburu have a reason to smile following a visit by President Uhuru Kenyatta that saw landowners receive title…

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  • May242022

    Yummy roasted yams of Kiracha Chuka

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    By Blaise Gitonga Tharaka Nithi County might be known for producing a variety of food products but little is known…

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  • May032022

    Tharaka Nithi county and Kiirua mission hospital awarded for quality healthcare services

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    The county government of Tharaka Nithi has once again been feted for being the county with the best-managed healthcare in…

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  • Dec012021

    Chuka University’s transformative Kairini dam

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    The first dam in Tharaka Nithi County is now complete. The Kairini Mega Dam construction by Chuka University under the…

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  • Dec012021

    Reactions to the new name, Chuka Sub-County

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    After years of intense lobbying, Tharaka Nithi County once again received attention from the National Government with the county benefiting…

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  • Sep012021

    EDITORIAL -Why the government should end the confusion in the roads sector.

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    As politicians battle to please the votes, the issue of maintenance of existing roads and creating new ones is a…

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  • Jan032021

    Rethinking development strategies after the global pandemic

    1 Comment

      By John Kinoti The global financial crisis that erupted in 2019 due to Covid 19 and its long-standing effects…

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  • Sep282020

    How greed for wealth has invaded most Churches today- Bishop Stephen Kalunyu

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    By Simon Kobia Conflicts and fights over leadership in the mainstream and evangelical churches are a common phenomenon in Kenya…

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  • Apr232020

    From Meru County to Turkey through football

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    By Hilary Mukasa Esse Akida’s star continues to shine brighter. The history of Esse Akida cannot be complete without the…

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